Rug “Seasons”

Viewing the rug from the bottom, the green portion evokes the lush abundance of summer, a time of vibrant greenery and vitality
As the colors transition upward into bright, warm hues before gradually fading into gray tones, one can discern the changing seasons unfolding
This rug serves as a reflection of nature filtered through the prism of emotions. The convex black spots, reminiscent of knots in wool, evoke the sensation of raindrops falling. The asymmetry present in the form, fringe, and overall design is harmonious, with each element thoughtfully complementing the others.
Crafted from the highest quality wool, the rug boasts a durability that makes predicting its expiration date nearly impossible. This aligns with our ethos of eco-friendly products, as not only do such materials decompose without harming the environment, but they also ensure the longevity of the product. Indeed, some carpets have endured for more than three hundred years.
Handwoven using ancient Ukrainian weaving methods, this rug can be utilized as a floor covering or serve as a striking accent piece when hung on the wall. Its creation represents a fusion of tradition, craftsmanship, and reverence for nature's ever-changing beauty.